Secrets of Sisterhood

The truth is, that I used to judge women – for being too different, too outrageous, too beautiful.  I felt competed against and threatened.  I even let my fears and insecurities neglect and hurt them, became possessive at times, even gossiped.   Breaking these walls of competition, jealousy, threat – with women, dramatically changed the way I walk in this world.

Now, I can bow my head down to every woman I meet.  There is real conversation. I can show my affection & love freely.  I feel comfort and safety to be all that I am.  I can be playful, happy, sad, confused, angry –  totally naked, revealing my heart, my body, my soul, my crown, my fears and desires.  No masks, no fake smiles, no small talk.  There’s nothing I love more than the gentleness, tenderness, softness, cuddles and snuggles with the women in my life.   This has become a significant and sacred part of my work in to learning love.

There is so much talk about what it means to be a ’strong woman’.  But the strongest of women know that the secret of our strength is rooted in our softness.  And when we unite with eachother – woman and woman, we teach love in its purest form.  We inspire the power of togetherness.  Breaking these social norms of all this bitching.  Then the gifts of the world rain upon us, until, we finally BECOME the gift to the world, FOR the world.

When I found my wholeness, I learned the priceless gift of you, magnificent sisters. I love you. I feel you. My heart is open to you. Your unique gorgeousness inspires me. I give you my hand for your personal growth. You nourish my life with wisdom. There is a deep acceptance of differences. Complimenting you is so easy. I want more of you.

Strong powerful majestic women!

May we know them
May we love them
May we be them
May we raise them

And speaking about raising them – I recently decided to bring my 9 year old daughter to my most recent photoshoot project about inspiring, loving, powerful women, capturing the celebration of ourselves and our togetherness.   This was a powerful experience for me, for us.  In general I loved that she was there to witness women uniting in love, naked, free, together, healthy and happy….. breaking body-image-shame that we all have on some level. There was one particular moment when the photographer was taking close up shots of some of the girls genitals for a special collage project.  My sweet girl looked confused and asked me what they are doing?  I took her hand and we went to sit in the waters.  I cradled her.  I felt like a lioness with her cub.  I shared with her my story of shame and disgust I had with my own yoni for so many years,  and small details about the journey I went through in to finally loving her… she mainly listened.  

This is one of a thousand of our beautiful stories, sharing openly and lovingly - talking about sexuality or body image. And not just talking – but being and experiencing. It amazes me that we are learning together about ourselves, even with a 30 years age gap. This is one of a thousand of our beautiful stories, sharing openly and lovingly, talking about sexuality or body image. And not just talking – but being and experiencing. It amazes me that we are learning together about ourselves, even with a 30 years age gap.

A poem for my baby girl…

I have learned over the years 

that I must ☀︎︎BECOME☀︎︎ everything I want to teach you.  
that I must ☀︎︎BECOME☀︎︎ everything I want you to know.

To love and take care of your body 
However she looks 
To adore your body temple in her everchanging cycles
To love every single curve, every single freckle
To love and support the people around you 
To love and learn from your sisters 
To be powerful and still remain soft
To show all your colors
The shyness and the confidence 
And all that’s in between 

To own all that you stand for 
To meet your fears 
To cry 
To laugh 
To scream 
To dance 
To ask for what you need 
To say yes
To say no 

To dream big and run after them
Every single one of them
To know that you are life force itself
To know that no one can love you more than you love yourself

So love yourself angelic creature  
Because you are so damn special 
I hope you will always know that
This is the path I took as mother 
To be this kind of mother 

Sweet child of mine 
You are my greatest guru 
Thank goodness you found me 

I love you