A Woman’s Bedroom Secrets
It was easy for me to be the actress in this clip.
It was easy to direct the scenes, write the narrative.
It was easy because the story is also about me.
I was she who felt so stuck between the sheets of my bed
Tense and frozen within the walls of my bedroom.
Unable to understand what was missing.
Or what it is that I really needed.
I was she that cringed.
Constantly feeling violated, used, disconnected.
And at some point in my life.
I even made peace with a conclusion that I am simply NOT a sexual being.
Numb in my body.
Ashamed of this lack of libido.
Too humiliated to reveal and share with others.
And so, it remained within me
As my little dark secret.
For years.
Boy, how wrong I was!!
This story has a happy ending!
As I broke down walls, beliefs, fears, my history,
I found a forgotten force hidden deep within me.
This life force.
This infinite entity.
Brought me to a place of really living!
Finally so alive!
And now this is, A HUGE essential part of all that I am.
As I stepped deeper in my journey
I found that
Everything I touch turns to gold,
When I am connected to this powerful vitality
I found sensuality and intimacy
I found pleasure and sensitivity
I found movement and expression
I found vulnerability and friendship
I found depth and playfulness
I found peace and acceptance
I found self love and worth
I found my Erotic Expression
And now, you can find it too!
Break your conditionings
Forget what they told you
There is no other gift more precious or more significant that you can give yourself than this!
This is your power
And now You can own it.